How did I go this time? Hit by a bus, a meteor, famine, plague, death, war? Well. I left the desert and wandered for a while, lost as always. I found a really fabulously cool landscape but didn’t linger long, which I know I will regret. I scalped a lot of sheep, found the occasional block of iron, stayed in several small, hasty shelters and then headed north with vague plans of finding Mountain House and trying to work my way back to FourFalls from there. And, with more stays here and there and more naked sheep, I did end up at Mountain House. I built an ice fishing hut out of wool – it’s very cozy and I want to bounce around in it – and realized that I no longer had a fishing rod. I was all about the fishing for a while there, never without my rod, stopping by every likely bay and inlet, but the attraction eventually palled. There are easier ways to get food and fishing rods take up vital inventory space.
Well, when you have no fishing rod and no string to make one, because Mountain House is blessedly extremely low on the monster population, you must go caving. In caves, there are usually spiders. There will be spiders (as opposed to blood, although there will be some of that too) and they will donate their string to the cause. I needed more diamonds anyway because Ozymandias had just about worn out my diamond pick and my diamond shovel. There is a big, deep, scary cave right around the waterfall from Mountain House so off I went, intrepid spelunker, to find what I could find.
I found in rapid succession a spider, a zombie and then a creeper who dealt the death blow to my already weakened self. Damn, damn and damn again. I think I’ll go to World 5 for a bit and leave my World 3 self in limbo.
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