Saturday, February 5, 2011

Okay There Are Caves After All

I found a cave! Well, what I found first was a dungeon – a dungeon, like Ozymandias, buried in the sand. I am a heartless sadist who really enjoys exposing dungeons to the bright and merciless rays of the square sun, so I dug out all the sand just to watch skeletons be born and die screaming. Then I dug out the inevitable dungeon chest, hoping, as I always hope, for a record. No record, but given my current poverty this chest was maybe even better. A bucket! Some redstone dust! Three entire loaves of bread! (Why don’t monsters ever hoard diamonds?) Wow! I’m rich! And, and, over there, wealth beyond imagining, is some iron ore. I made a compass, walled myself into a corner and settled back to gloat for the night.

Then it was time to explore the cave proper. Given the paucity of my armor – there wasn’t that much iron - it’s not surprising that I died at the first zombie. It turns out that my house is really near spawn, which I had kind of thought. I figured this out by emerging from the sandy decline of my birth and immediately finding a sign that said That Way with an arrow. Yeah, less than 3 blocks, or, more precisely, an island and a half away. Not only that – is it possible I’m actually getting better at finding my way around? - I knew how to find the cave again. Just turn right at the house, through the woods, around the inlet, past the lava pool and there it was. Moments like these are why Notch, all hail, invented Peaceful mode and so into the cave to retrieve my death stolen objects and onwards.

Not a bad cave, all in all. Not the best I’ve ever been in, but I came out with nearly 60 iron, 4 diamonds, 50 or so redstone and 16 lapis. I wish there had been some gold and more diamonds and lapis, but I should not complain. Now I have a diamond sword and a really heinous purple bedroom carpet. What more can one ask of life?

Properly equipped at last, I turned to enlarging my house. It is quite fabulous now – I wish I lived there, actually – and it’s getting more fabulous by the minute as I cheerfully scalp every sheep in a three mile or so radius. This takes me over the prairie, where I find, yes, another cave. There are caves here after all. Phew. And on the way back, I find another ginormous clay deposit. Well, we all know what that means – soon it will be time for another house.

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